Jenna Ewert

Jenna conceptualizes challenges and concerns from a systems lens, valuing the complex dynamics of human interactions and the ways in which relationships and responses shape our emotional experiences.  Underlying Jenna’s approach is her grounding theory, existentialism, which emphasizes the innate human drive toward meaning and purpose.  As a therapist, Jenna offers facilitation, co-regulation, and exploration of individuals’ unique experiences, providing nonjudgmental support to those seeking growth, meaning, resolutions, and healing.

Additionally, Jenna’s practice is influenced by neuroscientific perspectives on somatic and mental health, viewing cognitive, emotional, and somatic experiences as inherently linked and mutually influential. In particular, Jenna is interested in the vital role of the nervous system in both psychological and physiological functioning, and invites individuals to integrate movement into clinical counselling to cultivate positive therapeutic outcomes.

Frequently, Jenna practices therapy outdoors.  While office-based appointments are always optional, outdoor sessions are typically held in community park or trail settings.  At times, more remote, wilderness locations are selected, based on client preference and fit.  Walking sessions and outdoor seated sessions are both offered, again depending on client preference and fit.  Important considerations for this form of therapy, such as privacy/confidentiality, risk management, and preparing for unexpected events or encounters are discussed upon intake.

Jenna is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) through the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors, as well as a Certified Canadian Counsellor (CCC) through the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.  Jenna also holds a valid BC K-12 teaching certificate, and has completed a 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher program. Jenna has completed a Masters of Arts in Counselling Psychology as well as a Bachelor of Education degree.  In addition, Jenna holds certification in music education and occasionally incorporates music and expressive arts into her therapeutic practice.  Jenna pursues ongoing professional learning, and has additional training in youth mental health, somatic therapies, nature-based therapy, emotion-focused family therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and trauma.

Jenna has worked within the Kamloops community in both therapeutic and educational capacities for over fifteen years. Currently, Jenna works with adults and teens at Lighthouse Therapy and offers afternoon, evening, and occasional weekend appointment times.   Sessions with Jenna are $140/50 minutes.

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Jenna is a Certified Candian Counsellor (CCC) and a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC), if you are hoping to use your extended benefits please check that this credential is covered by your plan.

(250) 318-8881

615 St. Paul Street
Kamloops, BC V2C 2K1